About Us
Activate. Champion. Transform.
Everyone living a fulfilled and empowering life.
Champion and energize through connection, inspiration and mentoring.
ROAR Canada is a group of people who are passionate about helping each other achieve their goals, whatever they may be. Do you want to pursue your dream? Learn to seize opportunities? See dramatic changes in your life? Then ROAR Canada is for you.
You are meant to be all that you are uniquely created to be. At ROAR Canada, we believe it is possible and achievable. Discover direction for your life and career. Challenge yourself to grow more and take your career and relationships to the next level. Or learn how to change course and follow your dreams. We're here to help you remove limits and create the life you were made for!
ROAR Canada is a movement that will lift up and empower women, and men and consequently the children, of Canada, beginning in Ottawa and flowing outward.
Will you join us?
About ROAR Canada
ROAR Canada had it's birth in 2014 as a national initiative towards everyone living a fulfilled and empowering life. This initiative is creating a movement for providing encouragement, support, and resources to women and eventually everyone to enable and sustain their success.
The founder of ROAR Canada is Yetta Dekker, originator of the Dekker Team and an Owner of Solid Rock Realty with her husband Ken. She and the incredible ROAR Canada volunteer team is honoured and excited to bring the quarterly ROAR Canada Masterminds to the Nation's Capital annually. In Yetta's professional and personal life, she has witnessed how, with the proper tools and encouragement, people can achieve amazing positive change in their lives year and year and day after day.
Yetta has gathered some of the most passionate, energetic and charismatic individuals in Ottawa to pioneer this initiative and bring it to fruition as an organization that will lead the way towards self-awareness, empowerment and success through inspiration, connection and mentoring.
The ROAR Canada Masterminds promise to set the stage for our community members to participate powerfully in their own and other's lives to live to their fullest potential.
ROAR Canada resolves to activate, champion, and transform you!
Meet The ROAR Canada Core Group
Founder: Yetta Dekker
Chair: Virginia Dawson
Vice-Chair: Roz Woodland
Communications: Nancy Loney
MM Engagement Connector: Volunteer Opportunity
Social Media: Lecia DeVries
Artist: Jocelyne Moreau
Facilitator Support: Teyah DeVries
Ambassador: Sean Woodland, Julie Caldwell, Ken Dekker Technology: Volunteer Opportunity
What We Do
We are a core group of leaders passionate about ROAR Canada. We started the initiative in our area and will encourage and direct its flow across Canada and the world.
We meet regularly in a welcoming, encouraging, sage, growth oriented and empowering environment. We're bringing you meetings, and quarterly masterminds to inspire people to become leaders at home, work and in life by igniting. championing. transforming. ourselves and each other.
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